Fjordhammer Friday (27th November 2020)

Winter Is Coming

As the mist and the cold settled in this week, it is feeling a lot more wintery and I am loving it! Nothing more aesthetically pleasing than watching the mis outside with bands like Mayhem and Emperor blaring out to really get you in the mood. In the words of Ned Stark, "Winter Is Coming"! Whilst I have been busy with music this week, I have also started work on a new history focused blog, called Wandering Through The Ages that we officially launched yesterday, you can have a look here. I shall explain more on that at a later date, but this week has been challenging to choose what genre to explore in the depths of Bandcamp. Given the weather and me being a sucker for pathetic fallacy, I will be revisiting black metal and give it a post following the new format as it was unfortunately the victim of my pilot post. Even so, it is such a fascinating genre of music, spanning all sorts of mini sub-genres it has a truly global feel. As bands interweave parts of their culture to the traditional format, it can create interesting atmospheres and settings for your imagination to run wild whilst deep in the listening process. This idea still captivates me today and even when it sounds more folk metal it's still pretty brutal. Capturing the essence of the cold winter, it seems only fitting that I return to black metal and give you five more epic picks from the depths of Bandcamp!

Insonus (🇮🇹)

Location: Pescara, Abruzzo

Record Label(s): Throats Productions

Channelling the epic atmosphere and mysterious vibe of the Adriatic Sea into their music. They take you on a musical journey through a once glorious ancient landscape with a great deal of misanthropy. Visceral and vicious in equal measure, to me they feel like the Italian Mgła.



Spotlight On - The Will To Nothingness

Schatten der Unendlichkeit (🇩🇪)

Location: Augsburg, Bavaria

Record Label(s): Independent

Dark and brooding atmospheric black metal from the heart of Bavaria. With a raw and abrasive sound you really get a feel for the landscape that surrounds them, in all its dark and mysterious forms. 


Spotlight On - Verschollen

Kvlt Of Odium (🇺🇸) 

Location: Los Angeles, California

Record Label(s): Independent

Paying homage to the black metal greats and mixing it up with the sounds of the new wave of black metal. Definitely ones to watch in the USBM scene!



Spotlight On - Beheading Ov Sheep

Goatscorge (🇺🇸) 

Location: Russellville, Alabama

Record Label(s): The Bearded Dragon Productions

Relentlessly fast, demon summoning raw war black metal. Literally the sound of war, pain and crucifixions.



Spotlight On - False Sabbath of Heathen Scum


Seragost (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)

Location: Somewhere In England

Record Label(s): Forests Of Seclusion Productions

Raw English black metal at it's finest, channeling all the raw and harsh energies of the bands that have gone before with an added dark, English twist. The fact the I don't know where they are located adds to the intrigue and mystery of the music.


Spotlight On - Call Of The Master

That wraps up another week of Fjordhammer Friday! I hope you enjoy my selections which are perfect for the cold and unforgiving winter nights. A note for the future is I might start focusing on single countries and finding the best metal I can from them in the depths of bandcamp. This way I believe I would be able to cover a lot more and it would keep it fresh. As always, stay safe and have an awesome weekend! 🤘
