Submission Guidelines

If you would like to contribute to The Fjordhammer Project please don't hesitate to direct message Tom via Twitter, Instagram or The Fjordhammer Project Facebook page. You can also submit a your piece along with your initial message. For those wondering where to start with your piece, hopefully these guidelines can assist you. 

Photograph - 

A photograph will be required for the blog post. This will need to be a separate file when you send in your submission.

Bio -

A short third person bio with your social media links. This is so people know a little bit about you and know where to find you to support your art, writing, music, etc.

Your Story -

There are no restrictions on how you tell your story, and you must only share what you are comfortable with. This submission is for you to show the world from your perceptive, in your own style. Let the world how your passions have helped you get to where you are today. 

In terms of word count, there is a flexible 1000 word guideline in place, this is to allow people to share as little or as much as they want to. 

Once completed message Tom and he will send you his email address. 

The Fjordhammer Project will not publish anything that it has not gained prior consent to first. 

The Fjordhammer Project looks forward to hearing from you! 
