Fjordhammer Friday (20th November 2020)

The Daily Grind

It's been another long week in Lockdown, and it's starting to become a bit of a grind in all honesty, but I'd rather sit here for two months so I can hopefully  see my friends in person at some point in the not too distant future. Anyway, I won't bore you with that spiel as I think we're all getting a bit covid fatigued. Anyway, it's another Friday which means another deep dive into the depths of Bandcamp, but I'm expecting this one to be quick, because this week the spotlight is on that most extreme and boundary pushing of genres, Grindcore! With the mammoth release that Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism was this year, I've really gotten into grindcore off the back of it. With its brutally blast beats and riffs, politically charged, gory or ambiguous lyrics, grindcore is not for the feint of heart. Usually putting the extreme in extreme metal, grindcore also has a lot to offer, in terms of crossing the divide between hardcore punk and metal, but also introducing some more industrial elements into it's sound, it is constantly evolving with the times. Either sounding like pure white noise or having a cleaner studio production, you can't contain the raw energy and power of grindcore. So, without further ado, here are metope picks this week for grindcore!

Eat Shit And Die (🇺🇸)

Location: Westfield, Massachusetts

Record Label(s): Independent

A healthy blend of grindcore/crust punk politically charged music. If there is any nation that can truly vent about their political situation, the USA is the one. Channelling an almost British sense of telling people to fuck off, Recoil Finger is a highly entertaining album with its various samples, ridiculous lyrics and just fuck it attitude.  


Spotlight On - Recoil Finger

Corrodent (🇬🇷)

Location: Athens

Record Label(s): Independent

It's mad to think that just one man has created the onslaught of noise that you see before you, but here we are. It is also crazy how many people this guy has done split EPs with. Either way, Mat brings the riffs and they're so quick it's a blink and you'll miss it scenario. 



Spotlight On - 3 Trax 

Tottal Tømming (🇳🇴)

Location: Oslo

Record Label(s): Kannibal Records

Bringing some chunky, heavy riffs with a sprinkling of humour. Although they say they're a parody band, I wouldn't mess with anyone that can make music like this. Surprisingly catch hooks in there too which I did not expect. 



Spotlight On - Hatt De Håve

To Dust (🇺🇸)

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Record Label(s): Give Praise Records

Combining classic hardcore and death metal influences to create some of the most extreme music possible, these guys will literally grind down your brain to dust. Politically charged and all out aggressive, this is perfect revolution music. 



Spotlight On - Scales Of Avarice


CHINNED (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)

Location: Hertfordshire/London

Record Label(s): Independent

Who does grindcore better than the English? (Yes I am slightly biased). Bringing some power violence and hardcore to this week's list this is a monster album (can you call it that? It's 14 minutes long). Even so, this will get you stomping round your room like no tomorrow and you may even put a foot through the floor. 


Spotlight On - Let's Be Friends

So, that was a pretty quick week in terms of the music, but it's just as riffy and brutal as you'd expect. In the theme of this post, I'll keep this punchy, enjoy your weekend folks! 🤘
