Vanaheimr/Fjordhammer - Update 26th March 2020

Vanaheimr/Fjordhammer - Update 26th March 2020

Firstly, I hope everyone is coping well in these strange and isolated times, but by being apart we are helping each other! I know for now at least, I'm keeping myself occupied by immersing myself in albums, reading and box sets. I have also had some time to do some thinking in regards to Vanaheimr and the direction I want it to go, which has been on my mind for a while now. While the last year has been phenomenal in regards to streams and listenership, I now feel stuck at this crossroads. I want to keep pursuing Vanaheimr, I've poured so much of myself into it and achieved things of myself that I never thought possible. However, I also feel that I am not in the right creative space at the moment to push the project forward. This comes after many months of trying to work on Vanaheimr IV and not really getting anywhere (in my mind anyway). It's a weird time for me as a musician and a blogger as I'm facing a lot of transition and emotional change, I've noticed aspects of my character changing and as a result changing my music and what I want to express. While The Black Crown was a very personal song (more in the Miscellaneous Goings On Of Tom - Leap Day Edition) and I love how that song came out and the direction it when in, I've found it hard to build on that and remain consistent. Unfortunately being a perfectionist is a blessing and a curse, and just as a personal mantra I don't want to feel like I've put something out that is sub-par by my standards. So, I've come to a rather considered decision to put Vanaheimr on the back burner, while I concentrate on the musical ideas that are preventing me committing whole-heartedly to the Vanaheimr writing method. This is NOT the end of Vanaheimr and it is a hiatus until I feel I can reinvigorate the project. What it does mean is that my next release, whatever it may be, will not be a Vanaheimr one. I still have plenty of ideas, but they won't be exposed for a while. Thankyou for your support of Vanaheimr thus far, it has meant an astronomical amount to me and I hope to see you again sooner rather than later! ðŸ–¤ðŸ¤˜

You can listen to all my releases below on Bandcamp (all releases are FREE to download) and Spotify as well as all major streaming services;



⚒️ Fjordhammer ⚒️

As for the blog, that'll will definitely be continuing! There has been so many great releases this year already and I can't wait for it to get better! While the global pandemic has savagely cancelled tours and festivals, the latest being Download in the UK, the albums that these artists are releasing are phenomenal. I'm also looking to feature more up and coming bands, so please if you have a single, EP or album you want me to check out I am more than happy to! Having had two very good releases in the form of Suffer No Fools and Frozen Ocean/Heather Grave I would like to continue this further! 

I'll keep you all posted on any changes in the future as always, but again thank you for the continued support and love! Vanaheimr will back! 
