The Miscellaneous Goings On Of Tom - Coronavirus Quarantine Edition

Four Walls & A Window

That's it, the government has finally ordered a complete lockdown due to the coronavirus. In times like this forced isolation can be hard for people that struggle with mental health issues, so if you know anyone who is struggling reach out to them and be kind. I know it's been said a thousand times already but in the midst of all the panic buying and utter selfishness of the general public to consider anyone else but themselves, we do need to stick together. More importantly we have now realised the failures and lack of leadership that resides within our government. I won't rant on and on as the majority of what I've said has been said already, we just need to be mindful of each other. Anyway, in this lockdown I have managed to supply you guys with more regular content which is what I'm happy about and most joyously of all, I've been able to sit and write music for the first time in months. I won't reveal anything as this project is very much in it's infancy but so far I've really enjoyed just letting loose with some riffs! I've also has some time to do some much needed reading, to escape from the ensuing chaos brought on by this pandemic (as you can see I branched into book reviews as well! Check out my first one here). While these times are strange and uncertain, we will get through it, now is the perfect time to do those things you've been putting off for ages, or to get creative in whatever form appeals to you and you can express the most with, practice your instrument and become the next shred god, or just to simply relax with Netflix and a cup of tea. Hang in there folks, sending my love ðŸ–¤

What I'm Listening To At This Very Moment 

Since the concept of deep listening has been brought up and how little we do of it now because of the constant distractions of the modern world, I've taken the opportunity to really immerse myself in doom, sludge and whatever other variants of the sub-genre there are. Also, I believe reading the Black Sabbath biography has influenced this as well. I have no idea but the long droning bass and slow heavy riffs just chill me out in a way that no other music really does, maybe my mind takes solace from doom? Either way, these are great albums to sit back and just zone out to!

What I've Been Jamming To This Week

Not a lot really, but mainly just exploring more realms of Black Metal. I believe I've mentioned it before that there is this site that put various countries Black Metal into these playlists and as a result I've metaphorically travelled the world through these playlists. I found out they have also done the same with Death Metal so the process has been repeated. I just think they're a great way of getting to know the differences and key characteristics from each country. As I've noticed some countries Black Metal emphasises some things more than others, for me Finland's black metal sounds a lot colder and darker than next door neighbours Sweden's, who tend to have more melodic elements in their black metal (total nerd stuff). Anyway, here is one such playlist, death metal this time though.

ALL Vanaheimr is now FREE!

Due to the despair that this situation is causing some people, I consciously made the decision to make all the Vanaheimr releases on Bandcamp 100% free (or pay what you want, if you prefer). I shall probably keep it that way too, so if you need a DIY metal fix, my whole discography is waiting to be downloaded! Link below;

Keeps Safe, And Get Creative!

Keep safe guys, while some of us are used to social distancing, others aren't so let's stick together and use out time productively! When we look back on this period in time, I'd love to be able to see and hear all the art that you have created or just to hear the funny stories that may tell themselves to you over the coming weeks. I thank you all for your support as always, blogging is a way for me to keep sane so I'll probably be doing a lot more posts as I have time to cycle through endless albums and songs while drinking unholy amounts of tea. It's not the end of the world, we can do this! 🖤 ðŸ¤˜
