The Miscellaneous Goings On Of Tom - 3 More Weeks...

An Extension Of Lockdown

So, it's been announced that we have three more weeks of lockdown at least. I can't say I'm surprised with people flouting the rules, I'm regularly stunned at the amount of people out, seemingly loitering, on my daily runs. Even so, I've been thinking about how this will change the nation, hopefully for the better, completely. I'm hoping we all come out of this with a little more compassion and understanding for one another. Some of us are struggling mentally, I think I personally have become accustomed to it, but I understand that some people may need some help. Make sure you're checking up on your friends and family, because loneliness sucks. I think the biggest dilemma I've faced is wanting to make the most of the time being productive because we'll never have this much free time again or slacking off and being lazy because we'll never have this much free time again. It's such a weird time for me, I want to do everything and nothing. So, I am wanting for some direction and routine again, and I only really had that when I had regular hours at work. In the words of the ever wise Gandalf "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us". With the sun beaming down at us as well, I am starting to get a bit of cabin fever because I can't go and sit in the fields with some beers and friends. Either way, there is an end in sight, we just have to keep to the rules, respect everyone and stay at home! We all have to play our part, and then we will be set free!

What I'm Listening To At This Very Moment

I love the original version of the song because it hits me hard in some deep emotions that I don't usually share with myself, let alone anyone else. So, when I heard the acoustic version, it was quite moving. I've always praised Whitechapel for the way they've evolved themselves. It's been a gradual and thought out process which has resulted in some awesome songs and surprises that the fans have fallen in love with. Unlike the drastic overhaul Suicide Silence did and essentially shot themselves in the foot, Whitechapel have slowly unraveled new areas of themselves and leaving just enough covered to have you wanting more. Anyway, this version is stunning and you should listen to it!

For a throwback, here's my review of The Valley. There has definitely been an improvement in my writing style since then!

What I've Been Jamming To This Week

Not a massive amount, mostly black metal, but one album I have been loving is Vintersorg's Till Fjälls Del II, especially the opening track Jökelväktaren, the chorus melody in that song is catchy as hell and the song is epic. It's got a melodic death metal vibe but with a ton of atmospheres that lean it towards a more black metal vibe.

State Sponsored Daily Exercise; Dreaming Of A Campout

With the Lockdown rules in effect, exercising has been severely limited, which is understandable. Since the gyms have closed and sports has been cancelled, I've dedicated more time to running. I've always ran to the gym and when I've taken the dog out with me but that was only for short distances, anything from 2-4km. Since I've been running more my average distance has gone up and I've gotten leaner. My average distance now is between 5-10km, sometimes just over 10km. The other day I unknowingly ran 6.66km without realising until I'd got back so I thought that was pretty metal. So, one good thing about this lockdown is that I'm making the most of my exercise time and feeling fitter and better about myself. On these runs I've been taking in the nature around me and longing to go on a long walk and camp out. A mental escape from screens and modernity, with a few beers and a book. Now I know I can go the distance, I'm longing for the freedom of adventure. Hopefully, we can all taste that sweet freedom soon!

Again the message remains the same, keep safe, keep happy and stay productive or just chill out. Check on your friends and family, we will get though this!
