Fjordhammer Is Taking A Break


Hello all!

This is a difficult thing for me to write, but here goes... 

Just wanted to say a few things regarding the blog. Recently I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with a plethora of things mentally and I have been left continuously reviewing and reflect on the things that bring me happiness. There has been a definite shift in things; I'm head over heels in a strong, supportive and loving relationship which I still pinch myself about because you've all seen how awesome Sabrina is, I'm working towards a future that I deserve after losing years to poor mental health and I'm trying to carve out my place in this messed up work of ours. In a turn of events for me my  relationship with music has also changes, don't get me wrong it is my absolute passion and all I've wanted to do but right now it isn't fun. Putting immense pressure on myself to make it in music to a degree as made me forget about the fun and creative part that allows you to express yourself.  I feel like it has been building for a couple of months and I'm feeling burnt out and unmotivated, trying and struggling to get reviews up and to make the blog exciting whilst delivering my best work for you all. Some of this is down to my time management, which has been poor, and some of it is a distinct lack of motivation and drive. Whilst I am determined, things just haven't been clicking for me recently. I have gotten so frustrated and upset at the whole thing because music is what I love, my eternal passion, but right now it is not enjoyable for me as I feel like I'm stuck in a rut with it. This has even effected me as a musician, and that is what really crucifies me as the guitar, bass and now mandolin has been an absolute salvation for me. So, trying to keep up the output I was doing over lockdown and to find time for writing music, reading, exercise, job hunting and work seems unhealthy at this stage as I do not want to grow a resentment and hatred for the thing I love so dearly. It has caused a great deal of distress, so I've made the difficult yet necessary decision to have an extended break from the blog. I will still contribute to Noizze and RAMzine as a minimum of one review is required off me and they will be shared on the Fjordhammer page. 

Building Fjordhammer over the last year has been an absolute blast and one thing I am having to tell myself is that taking a break is not going to erase all that I have achieved. I want to share some with you;

I. Getting promo emails from Century Media Records - this was huge for me, we all know the artists on Century Media's roster and it is incredible to think that the blog was recognised to that extent. 

II. Working with Markus from Metal Message - Fjordhammer has introduced me too many people but Markus will always stand out for his hard work and dedication, over the year we have formed a working friendship uniting the UK and Germany again. Please go and check out the bands on his roster, some incredible acts from all over the world are there, find it here

III. The other PR companies that have contacted me - Imperative PR, For The Lost PR, Hold Tight PR, just thank you for letting me get releases early! There was so many I had the pick of the bunch. 

I will be using this time to, as corny as it sounds, find myself again. It is very easy in this modern world to get wrapped up in the grind and not take some time for yourself as we're all trying to make something of ourselves. This is what I will be doing, Fjordhammer is still me and I am still Fjordhammer, now is the time to go on some other adventures and indulge in my other passions like history and languages. I have always been open and honest about my mental health and the journey that I have undertaken to get to where I am now in the hope that it will inspire some of you. This feels like a new stage, a chance to really grow and evolve in a different way and I would be a fool to ignore my body and mind. In order to embark on this new and unknown path I need to be able to prioritise my time in a meaningful way so I can enrich myself. At the moment my mind is murky on what I should be doing so by taking a sabbatical I hope I can find some clarity and return to the blog with some renewed fervour. 

I want to thank you all from the depths of my heart, because without you all making Fjordhammer what it is I wouldn't have gotten the opportunities that I have had off the back of it and I wouldn't be where I am now. We've achieved so much over the last year and I can be happy in the fact that we smashed the hits target four months early! Words cannot do how I feel justice. 

So, without further ado, I shall see you when I see you! My inbox will still be open for new music, I want to be kept in the loop! Now, it's time to give in to my inner rambler, so I shall leave you with this song;
