Vanaheimr/Fjordhammer - Update 5th September 2019

Vanaheimr/Fjordhammer - Update 5th September 2019

It's been a bit quiet on the Vanaheimr front, of which I can only apologise. With the mass release schedule unleashed its hell and the heat dragged me to the depths of Dante's inferno, it has been hard to engage with my music the past month or so. However, From The Darkness They Came is now available for your listening pleasure, I was very excited to share those alternate mixes with you as Adam (of Adam Adams Music) did such an epic job of mixing them. 

You may have also noticed a picture on my facebook page, this is the new album artwork for Vanaheimr III. I've been sat on this EP for a while now, long enough that EP IV is now in its early writing stages. I have been reluctant to release this forthcoming EP so soon after From The Depths Of Darkness, and I think I will have to make you wait a bit longer as in release terms its a shorter gap of time compared to As Above, So Below to From The Depths Of Darkness. However, Creeping Death / Into The Abyss are singles off of the aforementioned EP, so you have some idea what creative direction it went in already. 

The official artwork is; 

Fitting in with the black and purple aesthetic. I think this will be the end of an era for that colour scheme, as its almost a mini trilogy that I would have released without realising until now. Who knows though I could just stick with it to be honest but we shall see. 

I don't need to say much about the blog as you've seen the relentless reviews I'm exposed you to, so this update is short and sweet. Even so, I did recently update the look of the blog so it can be distinguished apart from Vanaheimr but still look like the spiritual home of Vanaheimr. The frosty blue gives it a real black metal feel in my mind. As always, thank you for the continued support!
