Vanaheimr/Fjordhammer - Update 1st July 2019

Vanaheimr/Fjordhammer - Update 1st July 2019

Hello once again!

Creeping Death / Into The Abyss has been out a week now with a great repsonse and I would love to hear your thoughts on the songs! I am undecided as to when to release the full EP, but I can assure you it is all mixed and ready for release. Possibly won't be available until Autumn time, in the meantime the alternate mixes EP From The Darkness They Came is out on the 10th August 2019, which you can pre-save now by following the link attached to the title. As stated in my last update these are mixes done by my friend Adam Adams over at Adam Adams Music and he's done a stellar job in creating an alternative Vanaheimr sound for the songs. 

"Given the title the white symbolises the contrast between my mixes and Adam's yet they still capture the Vanaheimr sound from different perspectives."

Some of you may have missed it, but Pagan off of From The Depths Of Darkness was played on DJ Crusher's Scrap Metal Show via Metal Messiah Radio as part of the Crushing England segment, you can check out the video here. This is a massive achievement for me and its crazy that I have has this type of recognition. Makes the whole thing worthwhile and it was a very surreal feeling initially! Vanaheimr is going from strength to strength and I am glad that you are all part of this journey with me. So, of you haven't check out Creeping Death / Into The Abyss on all major streaming services and Bandcamp.

We are also approaching the first birthday of As Above, So Below on 6th July, which feels even stranger as that is the EP that kickstarted this whole project! The writing and recording of the EP has defined the sound I wanted for Vanaheimr and put a lot of things into perspective. In preparation for the 1st Birthday you can check out my guitar play through of Undying Light on the Vanaheimr facebook page.

As far as Fjordhammer goes, it's been a successful month also. Firstly my review for Svatan's Blazing Winds Of Transcendence was recognised by the Brazilian band and shared to their 20,000+ followers! Its great to see that the blog is reaching all areas of the globe! 

June was an insanely busy review period so with festival season now on I might have a small break from the onslaught of releases! The Miscellaneous Goings On Of Tom seem to be going down well also and it's great that everyone wants to see what's going on in the thought ridden brain of mine. I'm also pleased to announce that the blog is now over 1,000 page views and I posted my 50th post the other day, when I thought I wouldn't have the discipline to make it that far. Even if you don't read my reviews I'm enjoying exposing everyone to some new music! How would you all feel if I made a Reddit community for the blog? Where we can discuss new music and god knows whatever else?

As always, thank you all for the continued support, means a lot! 🖤🤘
