Krzysztof Drabikowski's Батюшка - Панихида

Key Facts:

Country: 🇵🇱
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Release Date: 26th May 2019
Record Label: Sphieratz Production
Highest Chart Position: N/A

Band Members/Production:

Krzysztof Drabikowski - Everything

Батюшка - Песнь 1

Rating (out of 5🤘):🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Favourite Track(s): Песнь 1, Песнь 3,  Песнь 4, Песнь 7

As many people are saying, and I agree with them, this is the rightful successor to Litourgiya. Everything from its songwriting to it's production contains everything that makes up Батюшка.   Krzysztof Drabikowski has made yet another masterpiece of a black metal album, packed with atmosphere and massive riffs. Despite this I am interested in what Bartłomiej Krysiuk puts out with his version of Batushka, but I doubt it will match this. I am in awe of Drabikowski's songwriting and production, now I've heard Песнь 1 within the context of the rest of the album,  Drabikowski created the perfect intro to a phenomenal piece of work.

Musically, the album is very reminiscent of Litourgiya and carries on some of the themes and motifs and builds itself up within a similar framework. I feel there is less mysticism and more anger in the music this time round from the way the music sounds. However, I think Песнь translates to The Song or Chant, and then the song titles are numbered and as I can't understand the Russian/Eastern Orthodox chanting there is still an air of mystery about it that keeps pulling me in. The melodies are dark and foreboding and when they're accompanied by finely tuned and well written riffs there is not a lot to not like. Everything flows organically with the dynamics shifting at all the right times it keeps the listener on their toes. The new vocals seem lower to me but I think they suit the music more for sure.

This album has had the same effect in me as Litourgiya with that in mind. This is why I think everyone says this is the successor to Litourgiya and not what Krysiuk's Batushka will put out on 12th July. I still find it difficult to accurately describe Батюшка's sound because it's still unlike anything I've heard before, this album has stumped me the same way Litourgiya did but in all the best ways possible. Панихида is quite a mesmerising album to say the least and that it what makes it so good.

The layering of the guitars and chanting is done phenomenally well again, I think it just goes to show that when you have a strong concept and template in your mind about how it should sound, as the old adage goes "If it isn't broken, don't fix it.". Musically and from a production perspective, this has set a very high standard for the other half of Batushka to reach. Drabikowski's guitar tones always stand out to me as well, especially as he's using extend range (7/8 string) guitars. He's got the treble and bass balance right so the cleans and highs are stunningly clear and the lows and heavier sections are gritty and ballsy. Through my shitty macbook speaker and through headphones you can hear the grandeur of the mix, so my thoughts are "What would this sound like live in an actual church? With the full set up, choir and all", hopefully this can happen one day.

Despite all the drama surrounding the band, this album is a product of the fight and in my opinion it symbolises where the true creative force lies behind the Batushka name. It's been hard for me to review both sides and stay impartial (check out me single reviews here) but after listening to   Litourgiya then listening to Панихида after it feels more natural than Krysiuk's single. Check out Панихида below!

Батюшка - Панихида
