Vanahiemr/Fjordhammer- Update 28th March 2019

Update - 28th March 2019

Hello! I hope you have all been enjoying the blog and my latest EP From The Depths Of Darkness! I have been blown away by the amount of support the EP has had and the success of the single Mass Chaos. I've had so much good feedback and I have been truly humbled to say the least. From USA to New Zealand, From The Depths Of Darkness has taken Vanaheimr to a more global audience which has amazed me, I suppose that's a positive for having the internet!

As cliche as it sounds there really is no rest for the wicked, I have locked myself away to work on EP III as I have been feeling insanely creative and motivated in the last three months. It seems as each day goes by I seem to get an idea that I believe can take Vanaheimr's music further, as many of you know I'm all about musical progression and I aim to add something different to the mix with everything I do. 

I won't go into too much detail with the new EP as I am still formulating ideas for the songs, but I can say it will fit the usual mould of about 25-30 minutes run time. What I will say though, is this EP I feel it has it's roots in some more traditional death metal influences. I am not quite at the lyric writing stage yet as those of you who read my Behind The Track Feature for the BIMM Blog (Link below) will know these are always left until last. I'm still exploring some lyrical themes and concepts though and I will be keeping them under wraps.

As far as Vanaheimr merchandise and physical copies are concerned, I am looking into them but as a solo D.I.Y musician working a bar job at weekends there isn't much money floating around at the moment but I am absolutely determined on getting something out to you guys. I was thinking a limited number of sew on patches, what do you guys think?

As far as Fjordhammer goes, I've really come to enjoy writing again because of it. It's small steps that could open another path for me alongside Vanaheimr. A few people have liked my reviews and things, again only small steps but I am insanely thankful for all your support! 

There we have it I suppose, Vanaheimr EP III will be coming at you soon! Keep rockin' ðŸ¤˜ðŸ–¤

Behind The Track: Vanaheimr - BIMM Blog (7th January 2019)
